
Well, I agree that advertisement encourage people to purchase unnecessary products and there are several reasons to support my opinion. Most of all, it is very effective to make people buy things. For example, last weekend I was watching TV and when I were watching TV, I saw a TV advertisement about these new shoes. They were winter boots. And as you know in Korea it is really cold outside and it is gonna snowing soon. So I really want to buy those shoes. They looked so comfortable. They looked so nice. So the next day I went to the apartment store and I bought them right away. It was quite expensive. It was more than a thousand dollars. But I loved them, I felt in love with them. Once I saw them I felt it was so comfortable. So I bought them and now actually I regret. Because actually I didn’t need those. I don’t need those boots. Cause I don’t walk a lot outside. And that’s why I think so.

I disagree that advertisement encourage people to purchase unnecessary products and there are several reasons to support my opinion.
First of all, I think it is very important for products to be advertise because otherwise we wouldn’t know what is out there? What is available?
For example, I recently saw an advertisement for an air fryer. I used to cook with frying pan or kind of walk for kind of things in my kitchen. But, now when I saw the advertisement. I bought the air fryer and it saved me a lot of times. It saved me a lot of energy and when I cooking, it make sense of much more convenient. And so, because of that there are products otherwise people didn’t know about. But can make a lot much easier so that why I do not think that advertisements make people purchase unnecessary products.

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